Talking To Your Kids About Sex

If you are not talking about it, you’re missing an opportunity to build a closer relationship with your child. Here are 5 points to keep in mind when it comes to the “sex talk.”

When Women Should Say “Enough is Enough” to Social Media

Teenage girls and adult women are often emotionally bruised when social media becomes their North Star for finding meaning and purpose in life. There are limits to what social media can positively provide and female users who do not understand these limits may struggle in a variety of ways. Here are four myths about social media.

Stop the Drama Queen Cycle

The next time you call yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your best friend a drama queen—pause, reflect. Ask yourself if you are avoiding your own feelings by not taking those of others seriously. The more you help those you love most to discover and understand their emotions the more closely you will follow your own.

Bad Boys and Girls Who Want to Please

Parents agonize over how to help their children so they will be optimally socialized for academic and professional success. What gains far less attention, perhaps because it is a more intangible and abstract concept, is raising children for success in relationships. Here are 5 ways to improve your child’s chances of having healthy, well adjusted relationships in adulthood.

Socially Adept Female Bullies

The reason is always trivial compared to the time and energy bullies put into attacking their victim. But, the stated reason isn’t actually the point; the real reason for bullying is the sense of power it bestows on the bullies. For some girls, this is an addictive elixir that relieves them of relentless feelings of powerlessness.