Why Rejection Burns

Here are 4 reasons rejection stings so badly, and how to swiftly sooth the burn.

4 Ways to Tame Your Inner Child

If you find yourself repeating the same self-defeating patterns in your romantic relationships, the chances are learning how to rein in your inner child will reduce heartache.

Are You In A Toxic Relationship?

If a pattern of toxic love describes your relationship, there is a way out of this spiral. Here are four signs that suggest your relationship very well may be toxic.

4 Sure Signs of a Toxic Relationship

If a pattern of toxic love describes your relationship, there is a way out of this spiral. Here are four signs that suggest your relationship very well may be toxic.

4 Ways to Successfully Manage a Break Up

How a person manages the news that their beloved, romantic partner no longer desires a relationship with them determines how quickly and how healthfully they recover.