How to Express Your Feelings

Being able to astutely express your emotions is not something you are either born with or not. It is a skill to be cultivated. Here is a quick guide to doing just that.

5 Ways to Marry Smarter

Here are 5 ways to start taking the commitment game seriously by marrying up in terms of your mental health and emotional well-being.

The 5 Worst Reasons to Get Married

Here are 5 ways to start taking the commitment game seriously by marrying up in terms of your mental health and emotional well-being.

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Fear the End of a Relationship

Many couples have a motivated desire to work harder on their marriages. For others, however, they find themselves stuck, unable to improve the marriage and unable to leave. Here are five reasons why, in some cases, divorce may be the right decision.

The Hidden Danger of Trying to Get Along With Everyone

Unhappy relationships have a deeply hurtful impact on the self-image and self-esteem of women. New research is showing that relationship quality not only impacts psychological wellbeing but, even more astounding, the mortality of women. Here are 5 strategies to not only play to win hearts in your relationships but also for your own long-term physical and mental health.

Do You Have a Goal-Based Strategy for Dating?

Popular culture embraces romantic notions about “falling in love” or love striking when least expected as if it were something outside of human control, as in lightning storms and earthquakes. Give up fantasy in favor of goal-based love, because true romance needs a well-focused agenda. Here is a 5 point agenda for goal-based love.

Stop the Drama Queen Cycle

The next time you call yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your best friend a drama queen—pause, reflect. Ask yourself if you are avoiding your own feelings by not taking those of others seriously. The more you help those you love most to discover and understand their emotions the more closely you will follow your own.

Let Go, and Find True Love

Although a person may know quite clearly that a particular love interest or even marital partner is not necessarily good for them, some persevere in the partnership. Giving up fighting for something that should be naturally easy can be enormously relieving. And letting go manifests new love.

Self-Victimizing Again?

Do you attribute control of your successes and failures to yourself or to some fated force outside of your purview? Whether it is your weight, your emotions, your spouse, your children, your paycheck–do you continually find yourself feeling resentful or upset by the events in your life? Self-determination is a remedy for feeling perpetually victimized.